WordSwell is a bi-annual journal, with publications every June 1 and December 1.
Submissions for Volume Seven will be open until April 15th, 2024.
WordSwell looks for DEEP, HEARTFELT HONESTY amid a world of increasing complexity, competition, and alienation, but also a world of unfolding possibilities, fulfilling experiences, and human connections. We are currently accepting submissions of poetry, prose, videopoetry, and artwork/photography on a rolling basis. We accept simultaneous submissions, but please notify us as soon as possible if your work is accepted elsewhere. We accept reprints as long as you hold the copyright. Please indicate if you are submitting a reprint and provide the name of the journal your piece previously appeared in.
Submit up to 3 poems, totaling 9 pages or less, using 12-point font.
We are unlikely to accept a single poem longer than 3 pages (though we sometimes make exceptions to accommodate remarkable work).
Please submit each poem in a separate doc.
Submit in .doc .docx or .rtf formats.
Submit 1 piece of prose that is between 1,000-5,000 words, double spaced, with the word count noted at the top of the document.
We are unlikely to accept a prose piece longer than 5,000 words (though we sometimes make exceptions to accommodate remarkable work).
Please be sure to review your work for grammar and spelling errors before submitting.
Submit in .doc .docx or .rtf formats.
Video poetry includes pieces 1-6 minutes in length.
This category consists of (but is not limited to) spoken word, casual readings, creative videos, mixed modes of expression, musical instruments, dancing, singing, performance poetry, theater of the oppressed, human interest features, etc.
What defines this category is that it somehow embody poetry, in word or spirit.
Submit 1 video using a YouTube, Vimeo, or Google Docs link.
We are unlikely to accept a video longer than 6 minutes in length (though we sometimes make exceptions to accommodate remarkable work).
If your work is chosen, it will be used to theme the upcoming issue volume cover and category headings and will be featured in that issue's Art section.
Please submit a sampling of 9 - 12 images at a time.
Please email your submission to [email protected] and include “Submission” in the subject line along with your genre and name, example: “Submission – Poetry – Jane Doe.”
Please include a short biographical statement with your work of about 50 words written in the 3rd person, along with a bio photo. You can also include any social media links and/or online store links as applicable.
You may submit in multiple categories; however, we ask that you limit your submission per category to only once in any given 6 month period.
Our current response time is about 6 months to a year. If 6 months have passed and you would like to hear back about your submission, please send an inquiry to [email protected] and include "Inquiry" in the subject line along with your name, example "Inquiry - John Doe."
If your work is accepted, you retain the copyright. We only ask that WordSwell be mentioned as having previously published your work.
WordSwell retains non-exclusive archival rights. If you would like your previously published work to be removed from our archives, please send a request to [email protected].
Though we believe writers and artists should be paid, we are unable to offer monetary compensation at this time. We are a team of volunteers and all funds raised go to the administrative costs of running the journal. Contributions can be made via the home page.
Please email all submissions and writer inquiries to
[email protected]
If you have any general questions about WordSwell, please email
[email protected]
[email protected]
If you have any general questions about WordSwell, please email
[email protected]