What's the Point?
Jim Burns
Why do we do this,
scribble these silly words,
unearth them from mind with a shovel,
release them into air
as if they were birds?
Do we think they’ll take flight,
dip and dive and deliver
happiness, sagacity and peace
to those who see or hear them
so all will love us, the giver?
Do we all long for riches
flowing from brain to pen,
in turn filling our coffers
with dollars and pounds,
marks and yen?
I think we’re not so craven
as to wish or hope or plan,
I think all we desire
in our babble
is to touch our fellow man.
Jim Burns was born and raised in rural Indiana and received degrees from both Indiana State University (B.S., Social studies, M.S., History) and Indiana University (MLS, Library Science). He then spent most of his professional career as a librarian. A few years after retiring he returned to writing, an interest that had been dropped decades before, and has been fortunate enough to see his poems appear in journals such as Eucalyptus Lit, Skipjack Review, Ulu Review and others, and an anthology, Looking In Looking Out (Willowdown Books, 2023). He now lives with his wife and dog in Jacksonville, Florida.