Stay Connected.
The below contains information provided by third parties. It does not in any way constitute an endorsement or recommendation by WordSwell organization itself or any of its directors or team members.
What's Going On?
Writing Highway 395
Esteban Ramirez'
The Fundamentals of Musical Literacy
The Art of Slow Travel
Ten-Week Workshops
Poetry Saloon
Let the Crazy Child Write!
One-Day Crazy Child & 2-Busy-2-Write Workshops
Now Meeting on Zoom!
These workshops will help you get started on creative writing of any sort — poems, stories, personal essays, plays, novels. We’ll establish an inviting atmosphere, one so comfortable even the shyest writers can flourish and feel proud of what they accomplish. As usual, I expect eight or ten people, much exciting writing, and fun to boot... |
*The above is intended as a community space for WordSwell writers and artists to stay in touch with each other. WordSwell retains the right to use discretion in selecting and retaining any of the above information. If a writer/artist would like a previously posted bulletin removed, please send a request via our Contact Us form.