Rebirthing Through Dimensions
Ancha Nitya
She had walked for hours unaware of being lost in the jungle.
First enjoying the scent of the wilderness, she was wrapped in…
Finally, a world apart from all her civilized responsibilities,
her breathing slowed and her mind cleared from the endless
Self-imposed stress she had planned on running away from forever.
She had hated the strain of a society designed to create
brainless peons marching to ridiculous orders,
trusting that all was created for their benefit.
She felt it all and saw through it, and she had had enough.
The well-known knot from her childhood had again been
eating at itself, to get freed from the lies grown-up lived.
It made her sick, becoming a motivation to leave behind all
All she knew in search of real-life, some living sanity!
Millions of miles away now, she had left it all behind
to finally feel life throbbing in her veins,
oxygen expanding her body, energy vibrating under her skin
her auric arc merging with the breath of the trees.
She kept walking taken aback by the beauty of every plant,
Every insect and call echoed in the depth of the wilderness.
The air was musky as the wildlife settled down into the night,
while above-head chatters filled the settling vibrating dusk.
Kneeling by the waterfall, opening her hands from her heart…
revealed a stone finally soften into clay… finally… alive
budging the ancient boulder in front of her heart, to let her feel…
feel for all of humanity…across lifetimes… sweeping through eternity
And at last, she wept till the moon rose above the mountain…
dropping it all down as her last offering to the Earth, Kneeling…
to find enough prayers to forgive herself for a waisted life
shattered by illusions we have all been sold to keep us from,
Realizing our GodNature to expand into this paradise forever
left unknown for the children of tomorrow whose reality was
only to be crowned by the Death Star in the abyss of hell.
In the total silence of before dawn, her pain still oozing out
of her pores slid back down into the fallen star dust,
where she had come from, now to be rebirthed as she…
rested, soaking up the scent of the coming rain.
The next day standing in the circle of women under the bright moon,
she looked down and scanned the earth feeling very different
she realized what was happening she was left speechless,
bewildered by her own shadow which was missing…
She sat down and in the twilight her eyes fell onto a stone
which kept her attention, mind blank, eyes wide open
All sounds around her were engulfed by the thick jungle,
Breathless she stared as the stone began to move
Fascinated, her mind wondered about all of the life forms
in this vast rainforest in the mountains the valleys the rivers
could she really be the only human experiencing what was
way beyond any possible words in human language?
Totally in the moment in full presence she sat now left alone.
Her endeavor was skin tightening brave beyond imagination
but she seemed not to realize it at this moment, all she knew was that
she had to be in the midst real life the kind un-messed with by humanity.
The entire day slipped by as every cell of her body
in full awareness bathed in the silent light she emanated.
The darkness that fell after hours of her stillness was now
palpable and carried with it a velvety texture she trusted into sleep.
She awoke as the jungle was already teeming with millions of sounds
her eyes fell upon a monkey swinging right down next to her,
unashamedly he approached her and sat on her chest to pick her nose
as she giggled a bit surprised he scampered away screaming
the thought that crossed her mind surprised her, but she knew its origins
she had left her van without any thing more than the clothes she had on
not that she had ever had anything to defend herself, but would she have to
choose an arm, for some unknown reasons her mind landed on a sword
again she smiled guessing where that thought came from,
a reality in which she devoured the screen’s ancient movies depicting
King Arthur, the healing witches’ small thatched cottages in the woods
where the poignant smell of herbs twigs and roots filled the night…
Life had always been mysteriously sacred to her, except perhaps in her teens
went for a while she distinctly remembered thinking about the uselessness of flowers
most probably after having had her hopes shattered to ever receive like others,
beautiful colorful bouquets of flowers, she had come to see as a token of love…
Her whole life seemed to float above the jungle, the unwanted childhood
the singlehood, Which she was actually grateful for as her doorway to her writing
Devoted mother adoring her children who just like all other humans forgot her
the constant rejection for refusing to fit in an insane society that had driven her
to recreate from one of her past lives he cottage-like home cradled amidst mountains
Covered with colorful plant life for which she worked to the bones against all…
heat waves expensive water and yes even those damn ground squirrels destroying
irrigation systems after irrigation systems which she finalized on her third attempt to being PVC.
but all of these dimensions and realities drifting around left her dizzy, looking around
Looking now in braced by nature's sangha she breathed deeply feeling safer than ever.
somehow knowing that whatever happened was meant to be from her own consciousness
for she… knew it in her bones from her spontaneous healings, that we can all be fully in charge!
Even science was awakening to the now 11 to 24 dimensions, not to mention
the long distance instantaneous reaction displayed thus felt by an atom broken in half,
and separated by many miles: when one was subjected to any kind of experience,
the other half lived it as if still whole. Everything is Oneness even if in various dimensions…
Like when her estranged daughter of 20 called her, demanding what she was doing,
at the exact moment she had just stepped off the red hot charcoals’ fire walk
which she had last done while pregnant with the same girl-child, pushed by a strong
unconscious drive to heal her own teen traumas from having being burnt to steak twice
Thus she believed that all is as it is, based on one’s consciousness which is either open
to all possibilities based on faith or closed from indoctrinated fear-based from puppeteering
humans or maybe reptilians or even super extra terrestrial depicted as monstrous instead of
possibly beings, light years ahead, trying to awaken us to our endless abilities?
It was, it is and it will be as I am on the inner, she told herself as the sky once again filled
With stars twinkling over her head in a small clearing left by a heavily laden jungle.
She felt embraced, accepted, loved and the safest she could remember…She just knew…
Everything would sense her devotion to the well-being of all, even if it came to be a tigers meal.
Somewhat taken aback, as per human habit of this human thought
she smiled, sensing in her gut that she had transcended
a state all humans in their own reality fear death!
But she had experienced, seen, and helped too many…
This is when her eyes focused on the unmistakable green eyes
of her very own totem in the animal world which she had adored her whole life.
At first unsure, still dazed by her thought, her refocusing revealed
A slick, muscular, silky velvety back body in exclusive presence.
Sitting statue-like, behind some large green foliage, unphased by giant buzzing insects
He had been staring, sensing her changing moods’ energies, waiting patiently…
Merging their gazes, both leaned slightly forward but determined the black panther
Stepped forward, she took a slow breath, grateful for this encounter…
He slowly approached her staring into her heart, she was dazzled by his Silky black body
She smelled his breath against her cheek, her heart raced for a minute, slowly eyes closed
he laid down against her side, dropping his head in her lap slowly. Knowing…
something unspoken, both dropped crystal tears for A Life that could have been for ALL to live…
First enjoying the scent of the wilderness, she was wrapped in…
Finally, a world apart from all her civilized responsibilities,
her breathing slowed and her mind cleared from the endless
Self-imposed stress she had planned on running away from forever.
She had hated the strain of a society designed to create
brainless peons marching to ridiculous orders,
trusting that all was created for their benefit.
She felt it all and saw through it, and she had had enough.
The well-known knot from her childhood had again been
eating at itself, to get freed from the lies grown-up lived.
It made her sick, becoming a motivation to leave behind all
All she knew in search of real-life, some living sanity!
Millions of miles away now, she had left it all behind
to finally feel life throbbing in her veins,
oxygen expanding her body, energy vibrating under her skin
her auric arc merging with the breath of the trees.
She kept walking taken aback by the beauty of every plant,
Every insect and call echoed in the depth of the wilderness.
The air was musky as the wildlife settled down into the night,
while above-head chatters filled the settling vibrating dusk.
Kneeling by the waterfall, opening her hands from her heart…
revealed a stone finally soften into clay… finally… alive
budging the ancient boulder in front of her heart, to let her feel…
feel for all of humanity…across lifetimes… sweeping through eternity
And at last, she wept till the moon rose above the mountain…
dropping it all down as her last offering to the Earth, Kneeling…
to find enough prayers to forgive herself for a waisted life
shattered by illusions we have all been sold to keep us from,
Realizing our GodNature to expand into this paradise forever
left unknown for the children of tomorrow whose reality was
only to be crowned by the Death Star in the abyss of hell.
In the total silence of before dawn, her pain still oozing out
of her pores slid back down into the fallen star dust,
where she had come from, now to be rebirthed as she…
rested, soaking up the scent of the coming rain.
The next day standing in the circle of women under the bright moon,
she looked down and scanned the earth feeling very different
she realized what was happening she was left speechless,
bewildered by her own shadow which was missing…
She sat down and in the twilight her eyes fell onto a stone
which kept her attention, mind blank, eyes wide open
All sounds around her were engulfed by the thick jungle,
Breathless she stared as the stone began to move
Fascinated, her mind wondered about all of the life forms
in this vast rainforest in the mountains the valleys the rivers
could she really be the only human experiencing what was
way beyond any possible words in human language?
Totally in the moment in full presence she sat now left alone.
Her endeavor was skin tightening brave beyond imagination
but she seemed not to realize it at this moment, all she knew was that
she had to be in the midst real life the kind un-messed with by humanity.
The entire day slipped by as every cell of her body
in full awareness bathed in the silent light she emanated.
The darkness that fell after hours of her stillness was now
palpable and carried with it a velvety texture she trusted into sleep.
She awoke as the jungle was already teeming with millions of sounds
her eyes fell upon a monkey swinging right down next to her,
unashamedly he approached her and sat on her chest to pick her nose
as she giggled a bit surprised he scampered away screaming
the thought that crossed her mind surprised her, but she knew its origins
she had left her van without any thing more than the clothes she had on
not that she had ever had anything to defend herself, but would she have to
choose an arm, for some unknown reasons her mind landed on a sword
again she smiled guessing where that thought came from,
a reality in which she devoured the screen’s ancient movies depicting
King Arthur, the healing witches’ small thatched cottages in the woods
where the poignant smell of herbs twigs and roots filled the night…
Life had always been mysteriously sacred to her, except perhaps in her teens
went for a while she distinctly remembered thinking about the uselessness of flowers
most probably after having had her hopes shattered to ever receive like others,
beautiful colorful bouquets of flowers, she had come to see as a token of love…
Her whole life seemed to float above the jungle, the unwanted childhood
the singlehood, Which she was actually grateful for as her doorway to her writing
Devoted mother adoring her children who just like all other humans forgot her
the constant rejection for refusing to fit in an insane society that had driven her
to recreate from one of her past lives he cottage-like home cradled amidst mountains
Covered with colorful plant life for which she worked to the bones against all…
heat waves expensive water and yes even those damn ground squirrels destroying
irrigation systems after irrigation systems which she finalized on her third attempt to being PVC.
but all of these dimensions and realities drifting around left her dizzy, looking around
Looking now in braced by nature's sangha she breathed deeply feeling safer than ever.
somehow knowing that whatever happened was meant to be from her own consciousness
for she… knew it in her bones from her spontaneous healings, that we can all be fully in charge!
Even science was awakening to the now 11 to 24 dimensions, not to mention
the long distance instantaneous reaction displayed thus felt by an atom broken in half,
and separated by many miles: when one was subjected to any kind of experience,
the other half lived it as if still whole. Everything is Oneness even if in various dimensions…
Like when her estranged daughter of 20 called her, demanding what she was doing,
at the exact moment she had just stepped off the red hot charcoals’ fire walk
which she had last done while pregnant with the same girl-child, pushed by a strong
unconscious drive to heal her own teen traumas from having being burnt to steak twice
Thus she believed that all is as it is, based on one’s consciousness which is either open
to all possibilities based on faith or closed from indoctrinated fear-based from puppeteering
humans or maybe reptilians or even super extra terrestrial depicted as monstrous instead of
possibly beings, light years ahead, trying to awaken us to our endless abilities?
It was, it is and it will be as I am on the inner, she told herself as the sky once again filled
With stars twinkling over her head in a small clearing left by a heavily laden jungle.
She felt embraced, accepted, loved and the safest she could remember…She just knew…
Everything would sense her devotion to the well-being of all, even if it came to be a tigers meal.
Somewhat taken aback, as per human habit of this human thought
she smiled, sensing in her gut that she had transcended
a state all humans in their own reality fear death!
But she had experienced, seen, and helped too many…
This is when her eyes focused on the unmistakable green eyes
of her very own totem in the animal world which she had adored her whole life.
At first unsure, still dazed by her thought, her refocusing revealed
A slick, muscular, silky velvety back body in exclusive presence.
Sitting statue-like, behind some large green foliage, unphased by giant buzzing insects
He had been staring, sensing her changing moods’ energies, waiting patiently…
Merging their gazes, both leaned slightly forward but determined the black panther
Stepped forward, she took a slow breath, grateful for this encounter…
He slowly approached her staring into her heart, she was dazzled by his Silky black body
She smelled his breath against her cheek, her heart raced for a minute, slowly eyes closed
he laid down against her side, dropping his head in her lap slowly. Knowing…
something unspoken, both dropped crystal tears for A Life that could have been for ALL to live…
Ancha B Nitya dreams and writes about Spiritual Unification between all living hearts, no matter the species. A state of consciousness to snap out of the societal hypnotic, homonogized dehumanizing indocrinations; to rediscover our original connection with all life. Student of quantum and metaphysics since experiencing spontaneous healings 30 years ago.